School Grok Access required
Created for Years 7-8
Duration: 4-5 weeks
Get fit by combining Health and Physical Education and Digital Technologies!
Use Python to program a micro:bit for sport! Get excited about coding even if you have no experience. You'll use the Python language to write your own programs, and make interactive games and tools to improve your health.
Try it out!Curriculum Concepts
Key concept |
F-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
Data representation |
(ACTDIK002) | (ACTDIK008) | (ACTDIK015) | (ACTDIK024) | (ACTDIK035) |
Implementation |
(ACTDIP011) | (ACTDIP020) | (ACTDIP030) | (ACTDIP041) |
Linked Resources
Get fit with your micro:bit! Learn about the BBC micro:bit and build your own egg and spoon race micro:bit!
Program a micro:bit to create wireless networks and send messages around the room!