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Join us at EduTECH Congress & Expo​ 2023!

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Join us across both days at EduTECH! We will have our own exhibitor booth on the floor where you can find out more about Grok and score some great FREE resources.

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Key Speakers


Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies v9: Is your school ready?

Schools around Australia will be implementing the Australian Curriculum version 9 over the next couple of years. This presentation will summarise the key changes in Digital Technologies v9 in terms of the core concepts, including new content on cyber security and privacy, from the perspective of one of the curriculum authors. We will also look at a range of free resources to help your school deliver the new content effectively.


Effective Digital Technologies Pedagogies

Knowing what to teach is only part of being an effective teacher – the way we teach our students is what determines how successful they are as learners. Find out what the research has to say about effective strategies for teaching Digital Technologies and leave this session with ideas on how to incorporate them into your classroom practice.


Purposeful instruction: Effective Teaching Techniques to Navigate the Object-oriented Programming Maze

Object-oriented programming is a logical progression of programming skills in high school. In this session, we explore cutting-edge pedagogical approaches that bridge the gap between theory and practice when it comes to OOP and senior students. Together, we'll debunk common misconceptions and share research-proven strategies to make object-oriented programming more accessible to all learners. Gain a solid understanding of how to approach OOP with your students as you nurture and empower their problem-solving and programming skills.


Robots in education: Are you asking the right questions?

‘Which robot platform should I get for my school?’ Examining this common question, Grok will highlight that this choice is secondary to the broader goal of using robots as tools to teach various concepts. By focusing on teaching through robots rather than teaching the robots themselves, students develop higher-order problem-solving skills, adaptability, and a broader understanding of technology. Grok will address the importance of considering factors such as price, availability, age-appropriate programming language, curriculum resources, teacher support, professional development opportunities, and reliability when selecting a platform that suits the school's needs. You will leave the session having an understanding that the best robotics platform is the one that teachers feel most comfortable using, as their comfort directly influences effective integration into teaching practices.


PANEL - Game On! Exploring the role of games in the future of education

A thought-provoking panel discussion delving into the present and future role of games in education including game design, literacy, eSports, and collaboration and critical thinking skills. The panel will offer valuable insights into current research and highlight the role games can play in motivating students and enhancing their learning.
Sally is joined on the panel with Laura Bain, Head of Emerging Tech and Innovation, Matthew Flinders Anglican College.

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Pre-Event Workshop

WORKSHOP 5: Unlocking the power of Generative AI in Education

This workshop explores the potential of Generative AI in primary and secondary education. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of AI concepts, tools, and resources, and how they can be leveraged to enhance teaching and learning experiences in the classroom.

Through interactive sessions and practical activities, the workshop will enable participants to:

  • Explain how Generative AI models work and their limitations
  • Use Generative AI effectively in their planning and administrative work
  • Create differentiated and personalised learning resources and assessments
  • Understand the impact of home use of Generative AI on homework and assessment
  • Explore the opportunities and risks of using Generative AI in their classroom
  • Discuss ethical considerations and challenges

These topics will all be considered through a Principles of AI Use in Education lens that will allow participants to inform their own school/system AI policies and principles.

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EduTECH Booth Talk Schedule

Slide decks are available on our EduTECH Resources page

August 24 August 25
9:40 Code craft: Pedagogies for teaching programming
10:00 New Possibilities: Digital Technologies in the Australian Curriculum V9
10:20 Design Thinking in Digital Technologies
10:40 New Possibilities: Digital Technologies in the Australian Curriculum V9 Beyond the Spreadsheet: the why and how of teaching data analysis
11:00 Teaching Digital Technologies in the age of AI From Scratch to Python and Beyond: effective strategies for scaffolding programming instruction
11:20 Hacking the classroom: engaging students with fun and interactive cybersecurity lessons "Hello World, Hello Challenges": the concepts that make learning to code challenging
11:40 Culture and computing: navigating cultural diversity in Digital Technologies education Understanding the Divide: Digital Technologies vs Digital Literacy
12:00 Effective Digital Technologies assessment Culture and computing: navigating cultural diversity in Digital Technologies education
12:20 Design Thinking in Digital Technologies Hacking the classroom: engaging students with fun and interactive cybersecurity lessons
12:40 Understanding the Divide: Digital Technologies vs Digital Literacy Effective Digital Technologies assessment
1:00 Code craft: Pedagogies for teaching programming Design Thinking in Digital Technologies
1:20 "Hello World, Hello Challenges": the concepts that make learning to code challenging "Hello World, Hello Challenges": the concepts that make learning to code challenging
1:40 Debugging demystified: building students capacity to self-solve code errors Code craft: Pedagogies for teaching programming
2:00 New Possibilities: Digital Technologies in the Australian Curriculum V9 Culture and computing: navigating cultural diversity in Digital Technologies education
2:20 Hacking the classroom: engaging students with fun and interactive cybersecurity lessons Hacking the classroom: engaging students with fun and interactive cybersecurity lessons
2:40 Beyond the Spreadsheet: the why and how of teaching data analysis Understanding the Divide: Digital Technologies vs Digital Literacy
3:00 From Scratch to Python and Beyond: effective strategies for scaffolding programming instruction Debugging demystified: building students capacity to self-solve code errors
3:20 Teaching Digital Technologies in the age of AI
3:40 Understanding the Divide: Digital Technologies vs Digital Literacy
4:00 Design Thinking in Digital Technologies
4:20 Code craft: Pedagogies for teaching programming
4:40 "Hello World, Hello Challenges": the concepts that make learning to code challenging

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EduTECH Booth Workshop Schedule

August 24 August 25
10:00 Teaching Coding: Practical Strategies for Engagement and Success in F-10
11:00 Deep Dive on the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies V9 Unlocking the Power of Data: Tools for Teaching Data Analysis
12:00 Adventures in Cybersecurity in the F-10 Classroom Deep Dive on the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies V9
1:00 Digital Literacy: How to cultivate essential skills for the digital age Assessing Digital Technologies: Practical Strategies for Measuring Student Progress
2:00 Teaching Coding: Practical Strategies for Engagement and Success in F-10 Digital Literacy: How to cultivate essential skills for the digital age
2:40 Adventures in Cybersecurity in the F-10 Classroom

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