
CyberVET is the most engaging way to teach BSBXCS301 and BSBXCS302 all in one place for free

Find all the content you need to teach these units in a way that keeps students engaged without having to jump back and forth between resources

How it works

This is Squizzy Analytics – a mock company your students will be helping with their cyber security problems! As interns hired by Squizzy, they'll be learning about issues such as password security, safe internet usage and steps to stregthen Squizzy's cyber security practices!

What it covers

BSBXCS301: Protect their own personal online profile from cyber security threats

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to protect their own personal online profile from cyber security threats, and to limit the potential impact of online security breaches.

It applies to those working in a broad range of industries and job roles under some supervision and guidance, who protect their own online profile so that it is cyber secure.

BSBXCS302: Identify and report online security threats

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and report online security threats to limit potential impact of cyber security breaches.

It applies to those working in a broad range of industries and job roles under some supervision and guidance who encounter and report online threats during the course of their work.

Mapping: Checkout the complete mapping of each Unit to the course

Student view

Here's an example of what your students will see...

Teacher view

...and this is what you'll see


Your students will:

  • Experience close-to-real-life workplace cyber security scenarios
  • Know how to readily identify and respond to scams
  • Learn to keep their data safe
  • Understand what makes a strong password

We are not an RTO, but...

Everything you'll find in the Cyber VET is comprehensively aligned to BSBXCS301 and BSBXCS302, meaning your students will gain the knowledge and skills to complete RTO provided assessments.

Also - it's completely free. If it turns out it's not for you, your budget remains untouched.


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