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Tēnā koutou katoa. Cyber Skills Aotearoa consists of unplugged and online resources that provide teachers and students with classroom-ready activities and challenges to develop students’ cyber security skills and dispositions.

Activities and challenges are aligned with Hangarau wāhanga ako | Technology learning areas and are free for Aotearoa New Zealand students in years 6-13. All learning resources are available in English and te reo Māori.

The activities and challenges are developed by Grok Academy, in partnership with Tātai Aho Rau CORE Education, the New Zealand Government, and industry.

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Cyber Skills Aotearoa Programme

Activities and challenges are aligned with Hangarau wāhanga ako | Technology learning areas, and raise awareness of cyber security careers.

The full Cyber Skills Aotearoa programme consists of the following courses:

And competitons:
  • Cyber Comp (Term 2 2024)

If you are new to Grok, welcome! If you're looking for help on how to get your students started on these activities, here are a couple of articles explaining how to register students and how to assign a course to your students.

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Information Privacy and Security (9-13)

This course is for ākonga in years 9-13 and covers purposeful sharing, password security, password reuse and multi-factor authentication (MFA) and phishing and scams.

Tātai Aho Rau Core Education collaborated with us on localising the content to be authentically relevant for Aotearoa New Zealand ākonga, which has been endorsed by the Ministry of Education Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.

To find out more about the learning programme, curriculum coverage, classroom activities, check out our Kaiako Guide


This online content of the course is expected to take approximately 4-6 hours for years 9-13 ākonga. However, it may take longer to complete the modules depending on how many of the suggested activities in the kaiako guide are integrated into your learning programme.

Information Privacy and Security (6-8)

This course is for ākonga in years 6-8 and covers sharing responsibly and password security.

Tātai Aho Rau Core Education collaborated with us on localising the content to be authentically relevant for Aotearoa New Zealand ākonga, which has been endorsed by the Ministry of Education Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.

To find out more about the learning programme, curriculum coverage, classroom activities, check out our Kaiako Guide


This online content of the course is expected to take approximately 2-3 hours for years 6-8 ākonga. However, it may take longer to complete the modules depending on how many of the suggested activities in the kaiako guide are integrated into your learning programme.

Web Application Security

With web apps all around us, this course allows ākonga to explore the features of web apps and how data may be either exposed, changed, or corrupted by hackers.

The course contains four websites that ākonga will explore to have a real life experience of exploring vulnerabilities in web apps.

To find out more about the learning programme, curriculum coverage, classroom activities, check out our Kaiako Guide


This online content of the course is expected to take approximately 4-6 hours for years 9-13 ākonga. However, it may take longer to complete the modules depending on how many of the suggested activities in the kaiako guide are integrated into your learning programme.

NEW! Cryptography

This Challenge introduces basic cryptography concepts using data representation, which impacts the way we secure online communication. It teaches classic cryptographic ciphers like rotation, XOR and mixed-substitution, and explains the techniques used to break these forms of encryption.

To find out more about the learning programme, curriculum coverage, classroom activities, check out our Kaiako Guide


This online content of the course is expected to take approximately 4-6 hours for years 9-13 ākonga. However, it may take longer to complete the modules depending on how many of the suggested activities in the kaiako guide are integrated into your learning programme.

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Cyber Comp

Cyber Comp is free for Aotearoa New Zealand students in years 6-13. The next competition will be start on May 20, 2024 and run for 4 weeks. Cyber Comp introduces students to problems that require the application of cyber security knowledge and skills.

After taking part in Cyber Comp students will:

  • Have a greater understanding of the importance of protecting their personal information.
  • Know how to create stronger passwords.
  • Be able to evaluate emails and text messages to reduce the risk of falling victim to scams.
  • Understand what to do if they receive a scam email or message.

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Cyber classroom resources

Poster - How good are your passwords? Download this poster to teach your students how to create good passwords.

Poster - Too good to be true? Download this poster to help your students identify a scam online.

Card deck - Cyber card game - download your free classroom set of these cyber cards to promote discussion on cyber security practice in your classroom.

Note: print out the cards double-sided

Information Flyer Download and share this flyer to spread the word about the Cyber Skills Aotearoa program.

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Security at Amazon Web Services

Join Grok's Julie McMahon as we discuss what is AWS, their aproach to security, security principles and the shared responsibility model.

We would like to thank Cameron Tod from AWS for providing some excellent, comprehensive and interesting material that will be of use to you in your classroom to support students with the L2 DCAT.

Video resources

Information Privacy and Security Content

Chris Hislop, Product Owner Identity and Access Management, BNZ discusses why keeping your data secure matters in protecting your identity.

Taylor Whiteman, Security Analyst, Identity and Access Management BNZ, explains the features of a good password.

Captain Jessie Keivom-Lockhart, Cyber Specialist (Land), Capability Branch NZ Defence, explains why we should not reuse passwords.

Shaz Hussain, Fraud Detection Specialist ASB, discusses how scammers can use your identity details and what we can do to avoid this happening.

Sam Leggett, Senior Analyst, Threat and Incident Response CERT NZ, talks about what we can do to avoid being scammed.

Web Application Security Content

Graeme McLellan, Digital Security including Cyber Awareness, BNZ explains what a web application actually is.

George Thirkettle, CXO - Customer Experience Officer, ASB discusses some of the ethical issues about hacking.

Stefan Mijic, Cyber Security Consultant, BNZ talks about the attack and defence aspects of cyber security teams.

Larna Findlay, Community Relations Manager, Corporate Affairs, BNZ describes the CIA triad - how we make decisions about security.

Chris Hislop, Product Owner Identity and Access Management, BNZ explains what a cookie is (and no, it isn't food).

Cryptography Content

Sam Legget from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment explains the origin and importance of cryptography.

Sam Leggett from CERT NZ provides an introduction to binary numbers.

Captain Jessie Keivom-Lockhart from Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa (New Zealand Defence Force) introduces the concept of encryption and encryption keys.

Captain Jessie Keivom-Lockhart from Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa (New Zealand Defence Force) explains how problem decomposition helps cyber security experts solve problems and keep customer data safe.

Graeme McLellan from BNZ explains how secure passwords and multi-factor authentication techniques help you to keep your online data secure.


Chris Hislop, Product Owner for Identity and Access Management in the Cybersecurity Department at BNZ, discusses what his role involves and the challenge of finding the balance between convenience and security.

Taylor Whiteman shares what she enjoys about the work she does in her role as a Security Analyst at BNZ.

Captain Jessie Keivom-Lockhart talks about her role in cyberspace operations with the New Zealand Army.

Shaz Hussain, shares the challenges and excitement that she gets from her role as a Fraud Detection Specialist at ASB.

Sam Leggett, CERT NZ, discusses his role in responding to and preventing cybersecurity incidents.

Natasha Pereira, shares what she finds rewarding in her role at ASB Bank.

Stefan Mijic talks about his work as a Senior Security Consultant at BNZ and what he enjoys in our forever changing cyber security environment.

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In collaboration with:

Supported by:

ASB logo AWS logo BNZ logo Cert NZ logo Ministry of Education logo N4L logo Netsafe logo NCSC Logo

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