Monitoring & Securing Networks

Course badge for Monitoring & Securing Networks

How do experts monitor their networks, and keep them secure from external threats?

Discover the tools cyber security professionals use to monitor the traffic that flows through their systems. Learn about the types of real world tools they use and the techniques and concepts they employ to keep their networks secure. Learn from experts about the roles the play throughout this process.

Setting the Scene
1. 🐎 Pin the tail on the Network! 0 /1
2. TCP Order Up! 🍔 0 /1
3. 🧰 Some tools for our toolbox 0 /1
4. Code of Conduct 0 /1
Enter the ethical hacker
1. Meet the Machine 0 /1
The hacker makes a move
1. You can do that? 0 /1
2. Bringing IP together 0 /1
3. Reading between the HEX 0 /1
4. Are you getting the picture? 0 /1
5. We can work it out 0 /1
6. What's in your packet? 0 /1
7. Hash browns 0 /1
8. School of Grok Report 0 /1
Attack of the hacker
1. Catch this! 0 /1
2. You can look IP! 0 /1
3. The shark has some tales to tell 0 /1
4. Who let the dogs out? 0 /1
5. School of Grok Report 0 /1
The ethical hacker hacks back (ethically)
1. Hacking with patterns 0 /1
2. We know who you are! 0 /1
3. Batten down the ports! 0 /1
4. The lifecycle of network security 0 /1
5. What have we learned? 0 /1