
Course badge for Cryptography

Learn the techniques to start you on your way to becoming a cyber security expert!

This Challenge introduces the basic cryptography concepts that impact the way we secure online communication.

In this Challenge students will learn about:

  • data representation,
  • how cryptography can be used to hide messages in images and sound,
  • problem decomposition and algorithms,
  • classic cryptographic ciphers like rotation, mixed-substitution and XOR,
  • techniques used to break these forms of encryption,
  • careers in the cyber security industry.

This Challenge is a part of the Schools Cyber Security Challenges series, developed by Grok Academy in partnership with ANZ, Australian Government: Australian Signals Directorate, AWS, BT, Commonwealth Bank, Australian Government: Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Fifth Domain, NAB and Westpac.

Your current score is: 0 points.

Representing data
1. Hidden message 0 /1
2. What's the binary number? 0 /1
3. What's the binary? 0 /1
4. Numbers to Emoji 0 /1
5. Find the coordinates 0 /1
6. Secret meeting place 0 /1
7. Trick Troll! 0 /1
Single key ciphers
1. What is the secret key? 0 /1
2. Order the tasks 0 /1
3. Algorithm to shift letters 0 /1
4. Encrypting messages 0 /1
5. The mystery of decryption 0 /1
6. What is the secret (XOR) key? 0 /1
7. Mission XOR 0 /1
Frequency analysis
1. Mixed substitution 0 /1
2. Crack this sentence 0 /1
3. Decrypt this song! 0 /1
4. Analyse this song! 0 /1
5. Location vigenère 0 /1