Python packages on Grok
Here is a list of the Python packages currently installed in the Grok execution environment, in addition to the Python standard library:
- astropy v1.3.2
- Beautiful Soup v4.6.0
- Bokeh v2.2.0
- cryptopgraphy v1.8.1
- flask v1.1.1
- lxml v4.1.1
- numpy v1.12.1
- matplotlib v3.0.3
- mpmath v1.1.0
- pandas v0.19.1
- PeakUtils v1.1.0
- pillow: Python imaging library (PIL) v7.2.0
- psycopg2 v2.7.1
- PySAL v1.13.0
- requests v2.18.4
- RunStats v1.6.3
- scikit-learn v0.18.1
- scipy v0.19.0
- SortedContainers v1.5.7
- Statsmodels v0.8.0
- sympy v1.6.2
Want to request a new package?
If your course needs a package we don't have, we're probably happy to install it. Send us an email with details of the package(s) you need.