NCEA Level 1 Python

Course badge for NZ NCEA Level 1 Python

Perfect for ākonga in Aotearoa New Zealand studying NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies.

Learn how to program in Python! This course is designed for ākonga in Aotearoa New Zealand studying NCEA Level 1 Digital Technologies with no prior experience with text-based programming.

NCEA Level 1 Python is aligned with the Subject Learning Outcomes for NCEA Level 1 Achievement Standard 92004 (1.1) - Create a computer program.

Module Progress
Part 1: Python syntax, variables and calculations
Part 2: Asking questions, making decisions and fixing bugs
Part 3: Data types and making more complex decisions
Part 4: For loops and lists
Part 5: While loops, handling errors and modifying lists
Part 6 Extension: Investigating strings and dictionaries
Part 1: Python syntax, variables and calculations
1. Hello, World! 0 /10
2. The Hobbit 0 /10
3. Dinosaur 0 /10
4. The Flintstones 0 /10
5. I repeat 0 /10
6. A kiwi went to sea 0 /10
7. The Farmer in the Dell 0 /10
8. And you know it! 0 /10
9. Otago Central Rail Trail 0 /10
10. Bug fix: seconds to hours 0 /10
11. Heart beat 0 /10
12. Bug Fix: Go the Distance! 0 /10
Part 2: Asking questions, making decisions and fixing bugs
1. Stage names? 0 /10
2. Dance Dance Revolution 0 /10
3. Repeater 0 /10
4. That band rules! 0 /10
5. Order the tasks 0 /10
6. Party in pseudocode 0 /10
7. I am Katniss 0 /10
8. Shotgun! 0 /10
9. A fixer-upper 0 /10
10. My precious 0 /10
11. Favourite Ice Cream 0 /10
Part 3: Data types and making more complex decisions
1. Basketball bunny! 0 /10
2. Vote for victory 0 /10
3. Tricky kittens 0 /10
4. Marker tower 0 /10
5. Testing your boundaries 0 /10
6. Over and out 0 /10
7. Game set match! 0 /10
8. Descriptive desserts 0 /10
9. Puddle weather 0 /10
10. Fixing up some data! 0 /10
Part 4: For loops and lists
1. Novel decisions 0 /10
2. Go team! 0 /10
3. Count to n 0 /10
4. Savvy savings 0 /10
5. Up the Wahs! 0 /10
6. Glitchy game list fix 0 /10
7. Uppercase understanding 0 /10
Part 5: While loops, handling errors and modifying lists
1. Best computer ever 🖥️ 0 /10
2. Lift off! 0 /10
3. Is there an echo? 0 /10
4. Guessing game 0 /10
5. There are bugs in my cookies 0 /10
6. Dig dug 0 /10
7. Favourite flavours 0 /10
8. Take a breath 0 /10
Part 6 Extension: Investigating strings and dictionaries
1. Password checker 0 /10
2. Eevee-lutions 0 /10
3. Latest and greatest 0 /10
4. Prop fix 0 /10
5. Grok Food Club 0 /10
6. Potion collection 0 /10
7. Cookie dough fundraiser 0 /10