Demo Competition

Course badge for Demo Competition

Get a taste of our competitions with this Blockly / Python Demo Comp!

Want to know what our Python programming competitions are like? Check out the first modules and sample questions for our four streams: Newbies, Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. Be warned, the sample questions will get harder and harder. Sign up to the NCSS Challenge (timed for the southern hemisphere) or Code Quest (timed for the northern hemisphere) to learn how to solve them!

Your current score is: 0 points.

Newbies Week 1 Part 1
1. Hello, World!
2. Echo... echo... echo...
3. Hello to you, too
4. One does not simply...
Newbies Sample Questions
1. Where's Wally?
2. Am I being Rickrolled?
3. Word chain!
4. Pizza toppings!
Beginners Week 1 Part 1
1. Hello, World!
2. Hello to you, too
3. One does not simply...
4. Echo... echo... echo...
Beginners Sample Questions
1. Kaomoji
2. Banana Madness
3. Heartbleed Bug!
4. Simple Hairpin RNA
Intermediate Week 1 Part 1
1. Hello, World!
2. Polite Number, Please?
Intermediate Sample Questions
1. Animal hybrid madness!
2. ASCII Art Flip
3. Scrabble Scorer
4. Fakespearean Tweets